Sunday, July 27, 2008


Look at that, my beauty is having a good shower.

Next, target. Mercedes Benz E200K.

E200K? Should've join Barisan Nasional Terengganu.

"Lower maintenance cost maaa....."

Thursday, July 10, 2008


To whom it may concerned,

I know you will be here again, and read this. Just a quick note to say congratulations as you managed to finish up your degree in architecture, far away there in UK. God bless, in anything you do, and do let me know whenever you're home, so that I can arrange my family to greet you. Kang merajuk susah, macam pompuan nak kena pujuk....

p/s: My 2 cents: Work hard, build up your career there in UK, earn good money, and don't come back home, except when you want to celebrate Eid or just missing your family and friends too much. Malaysia is not suitable for a person like you. Sucks, and too many political complications. The G left us with no choice but to curse them. Stupid.

Regards to Ariff Abadan and Mohd Shauqi.