Thursday, August 23, 2007


There has to be something that is really wrong, somewhere...but I'm not sure what and where. It has been awhile, and for quite some time of thinking and future planning, I still couldn't find what is it.

I like what I'm doing now. But sometimes, when there is an involvement of certain personnel, it makes me sick. We have the same skin color (not exactly, but nearly), we share the same traditions, we enjoy the same taste of delicacies, we went through our childhood life playing everything but Playstation 2 (not available at that time) and we even speak the same language which is Malay, even though at some particular parts of our life, we use English. But somehow, these dogshits I'm talking about never seem to realize who they are.

They forgot the rules of respects. They speak as if they are the invaders and I am the intruder. They yell like Pharaoh, and I am a Badwi. They swear like they have no other things to say except f%^&, s$#@, a*%h#$@! and the list goes on. They give instructions and orders, not asking for help.

Who do they think they are? A king? A Prime Minister? A merciless warrior? An honorable master of human being?

Go to hell!

They are just typical Malays. Like me. A Malaysian malay. But when they have a hold of positions like engineers or any professional positions, they feel like they are the best. No, no. Actually, they are the beast. The destroyers of Malay's politeness and humble appearance. They are destroying the language, the traditions, the delicious food, the cultures, the everything.

They are the ******** engineers!


SalamMedia said...

*******S. S for shit holes. or any holes.

but from what Ive gathered, the upper managements are a fantastic bunch. Always on the look out for opportunity and very open too. I know because I've sat with them sipping one or two teh tarik. Just these lower brats... no wonder they need cool advertisements, because internally they're crap.

Be the better Malay, why? Because you are one of the supreme Malays to me. (we no longer need le creme of malays, supreme is better) hahaha

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

Exactly. I've once dealt with the superiors, and they seemed to be very nice and polite. Only those yg baru mendapat title 'engineer' yg sial...and to my surprise, even the technicians too...

whats the big deal of becoming an engineer or technician of a big name company? local plak tu...

kang aku plak yg belagak kang...

supreme? hmm sounds better...creme de la creme? i dont think those bastards understand what it means hahaha...english pon bersepah...

Unknown said...

errr...ayg kira skali ke ni??

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

tak semua....but most of them...

SalamMedia said...

biha tak kire? mane aci mcm tu! haha

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

There is no way she could be my wife if I hate her...


SalamMedia said...

i thought you hated "THEY" as collective group la. as a person mmg la tak kesah.. kan kan?

Unknown said...

btol btol..kenala bg terang jelas dan nyata. ada pihak terasa tau..

abg keja dgn anak emas petronas la, sbb tu la berlagak macam apa gi.. cuba keja dengan anak tiri petronas cam ayg, mesti OK punya.. siap selalu kena marah ngan technician gi adala.. (err patut ke ayg marah technician lak sbb abg termasuk tau)

SalamMedia said...

marah je balik technician tu. mengade je lebih.

eh bile nak bukak pose sesame ni?

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

sound je technician semua tu...diorg belagak sebab diorg keje ngan the biggest company in Malaysia... tak sedar diri kata technician...bila org tanya, mesti jawab 'aku keja ngan Petronas' semua pon akan waa...gempak siol, keje ngan petronas...padahal technician je...starting gaji tak sampai RM1000 pon...duit diorg jadi byk sebab overtime je...tu pon paling masyuk blehla nak cecah RM 2000... tapi belagak, cam gaji sepuluh ribu...sound direct je... tak guna layan org belagak ni...kena ketuk sikit, bagi sedar...

btw, bukak posa? oh well, ko dtg la teman aku kat tetengah laut ni... dah seminggu lebih aku kat sini...seb baik hari nih bleh access internet, VSAT dah berfungsi...meh la meh la...

ayg pon dijemput sekali...mehla bukak posa ngan abg kat sini.... :(

Unknown said...

oooo jemput edi dulu...ayg di duakan...tanaklaa..ayg ngajuk..klu nk pujuk kena blk pujuk kat umah arini gak...

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

eh bukan menduakan la...abg tanak ayg mai sini sebab tanak ayg merasai kesusahan yg abg alami sepanjang massa kat sini..tudia ayat pujuk, baek punya..termakan tak?

er kalau pujuk lusa bleh dak? abg dah missed chopper arini nih... :(

Unknown said...

ala......kena tunggu lagi :(

pujuk yg dulu pon tadak palace of golden horses gi..klu pujuk kali ni ayg nk g bercuti plak..klu tak ayg tamau berhenti ngajuk

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

ok set! perhentian island? oh kejap2...east coast tak bleh til early next year...

jom gold coast...nak?

Unknown said...

gold coast?? kalu abg tanggung semua tadak hal..duit bonus ayg takleh kaco...

Mohd Imrilqis Suhaimee said...

ooo...time nak bersukaria, nak sama2 je sepanjang masa...time nak keluar duit, dia main kira2 plak ye...takpela....tak jadi la nak pujuk...tak mandi laut belakang umah dahla...

Unknown said...

alalalala sedihje bunyinya (ni sapa yg pujuk sapalak ni)..abg bab wat kesian ni mmg cekap..

okla, kita mandi laut blkg umah dahla..